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Re: Intent to package (several)

>>>>> "Rafael" == Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@icp.inpg.fr> writes:

    Rafael> As my application to become a Debian developer is
    Rafael> underway, let me state my intentions of packaging.  You
    Rafael> will find below short descriptions of the following
    Rafael> packages: bibindex (take over), ibrazilian, recdescent,
    Rafael> tipa (these four packages are done, ready for uploading),
    Rafael> as well as plplot and iportuguese (these two not yet
    Rafael> done).


    Rafael> Tell me if there are any objections/problems.

One small gripe:

    Rafael> recdescent (on CPAN:
    Rafael> modules/by-module/Parse/Parse-RecDescent.tar.gz):

    Rafael> Perl module Parse::RecDescent for incrementally generating
    Rafael> top-down recursive-descent text parsers from simple
    Rafael> yacc-like grammar specifications.

    Rafael> GPL'd.

This package should be named "libparse-recdescent-perl" to go along
with all the other Perl module packages' names (libmd5-perl,
libdbd-mysql-perl, et cetera).

Good luck!


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