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Re: Strang shutdown mechanism with Debian

On Mon, May 18, 1998 at 07:49:05PM +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> In article <[🔎] oayaw0rkzt.fsf@burrito.fake>,
> Adam P. Harris <apharris@burrito.onshore.com> wrote:
> >Miquel, having a magical, different meaning of SXX scripts for run
> >levels 0 and 6 is not just being unclean, it's making up a new level
> >of uncleanness a rather antiquated and creaky but generally
> >well-respected and working system (the SysV Init scheme).
> Yes, well, but what do you expect me to do about it then? It has been like
> this for quite some time and I have proposed it first on debian-devel.
> Nobody rejected the idea then.

Maybe nobody understood it?  I have to admit that the boot/shutdown
mechanism is dangerous and needs good understanding of everything
related.  At least here's a second person understanding it.
(hopefully) ;-)

Miquel, now that we know that this is ugly, could we try to
move the 0+6 Snn stop-scripts to 0+6K90-K99 (S99 could be
reserved for halt/reboot)?  Just as a longterm goal.  I know that
it would be difficult and too dangerous to change the behaviour

This would mean persuading maintainers not to use rc[60].d/Snn
scripts that need a stop lines.



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg  /
 / If you come from outside of Finland, you live in wrong country /
/ Featuring Debian GNU/Linux               motd von irc.funet.fi /

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