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[comp.lang.modula3] ANNOUNCE: Release of PM3-1.1.6 with LINUXLIBC6 support

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The latest release of PM3 contains several noteworthy additions.

- gnu libc alias Linux libc6 support, thanks to Richard Watts

- a few resource leaks problems fixed for Win32

- better Source Red Hat Packages (SRPM) which should be able to build on both
  libc5 and libc6 systems

- 3D scrollbars, thanks to Peter Klein

and several small other fixes. Thanks to Mike Douglass, it is quite likely
that pm3-1.1.6 will build without problem on Win32, i will try this shortly.

With this release, the backlog of "fixes" to integrate into PM3 is now
empty, thus meeting the objective of frequent releases with shorter
turnaround on bug fixes.

This of course does not mean that the TODO list is empty :-). In the coming
months PM3 should progress at the rythm of contributions. Especially
sought after are:

- help in regularly producing binaries for the LINUXLIBC6 platform,
  starting with testing the SRPM on a REDHAT 5 system and uploading to
  redhat contrib the resulting binary rpm.

- help in regularly producing Win32 binaries

- help with linking together the documentation in the interfaces and
  html introductory files for vbtkit, formsvbt, network objects...
  and for new packages such as m3na...


Prof. Michel Dagenais        http://m3.polymtl.ca/dagenais/home/home.html
Dept of EE and Computer Eng.        michel.dagenais@polymtl.ca
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal     tel: (514) 340-4711 ext.4029

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