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Re: PGP 5.0 (was Re: PGP keys)


On Sat, 16 May 1998, David Frey wrote:

>On Fri, May 15, 1998 at 06:14:18PM -0700, Darren wrote:
>>I used PGP 5.0 to create a key (pgpk -g)... now what?  
>Shouldn't we forbid the use of PGP 5.0 for backward compability 
>reasons? Only a few percentage uses probably PGP 5.0 (my reason

    I use 5.0, as I have the occassional need to verify DH/DSS
dignatures, and I like to be able to automagically retrieve keys via
hkp.  My current key (the one I use to sign uploads and everything
else) was generated with it.  It is a 2048-bit RSA key that is
perfectly verifiable by PGP 2.6 -- in fact, I use 2.6 with this same
key to do package signing, since dpkg-buildpackage doesn't have hooks
for PGP5.
    Obviously, if you plan on being a developer, it's somewhat stupid
to create a primary key with DH/DSS, but that's not the same as not
using PGP5.

>is, that PGP 2.6 is more free than the PGP 5.0 brand and that I
>have already a RSA key and that everybody else uses PGP 2.*;
>otherwise I'd use gpg. 

    PGP 2.6 is not noticably more "free" than 5.0i, I think.
Certainly if you buy a precompiled binary of an encryption product
from a company, you deserve what you get.

>BTW: Is PGP 5.0 already out for Unix?)

    Sources have been available for months.  


    If you compile from source you even have the option of generating
a US-legal binary with the freeware license.  Whoopee.  For those less
concerned with US RSA patents, the Debian packages have been available
for weeks in non-us.

 Zed Pobre <zed@va.debian.org>  |  PGP key on servers, fingerprint on finger
* And this signature can be verified with 2.x or 5.x

Version: 5.0
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