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Intents to package


I previously volunteered to package some things:

- gspreview
  This seems to work only with an old version of X (X11R4 I think).
  I haven't the X knowledge or time to port it to R6, so I'm not intending
  to package it any more.  In any case, I'm getting used to ghostview now
  (although I still prefer gspreview's UI).

- ups
  Again, too much work for me; I'm not up to doing this "real" debugger.
  I think the Linux patches available are rather old (for a.out IIRC).

These two should probably go back to the "Programs someone should package"
section.  Anyone interested in taking either of these?

- libggi
  I'm still intending to package this one.  I'm currently waiting for
  the upstream people to finish the major code reorganisation they're
  working on.  I think they're intending to split libggi and kgi (and the
  other bits) into separate code trees, which should make things easier.


Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
PGP public keyprint: 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94  B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2

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