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The latest XFree86 (3.3.2-4)

Hi, folks, your friendly neighborhood X maintainer here.

XFree86 3.3.2-4 just got installed into the archive today (I uploaded it

Unless you have bandwidth to spare, please don't download it without
good reason.  With impeccable timing, a CERT bulletin warning of
possible security problems with xlib and xterm was released just after
I finished -4, so -5 will be coming out very, very soon.  Anybody
interested in accelerating this process should see the X Strike Force
page <http://master.debian.org/~branden/xsf.html>.

G. Branden Robinson                 |
Purdue University                   |      kernel panic -- causal failure
branden@purdue.edu                  |      universe will now reboot
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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