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Re: How Debian Linux could be made more secure

On Tue, Apr 28, 1998 at 04:50:45PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> First, the Debian Policy should be enhanced by a paragraph
> on suid binaries.  The policy should emphasize the least
> privilege principle.  It should require the use of
> suidmanager when installing scripts suid root.
> Further, the policy should require maintainers to tag bug
> reports about programs running suid root "critical".  (You
> may also consider to add an option to the bug program
> which tags a bug report as a security problem, and thus
> "critical".  This is also interesting for network programs
> which have security breaches and/or denial of service
> vulnerabilities.)

I thought we already addressed this somewhere, though if true it probably
needs to me documented in a more conspicuous place.


root privilege exploits are severity "critical"
user privilege exploits are severity "grave"
denial-of-service attacks are severity "important"

G. Branden Robinson                 |         Measure with micrometer,
Purdue University                   |         mark with chalk,
branden@purdue.edu                  |         cut with axe,
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |         hope like hell.

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