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objc compiler for hamm

The current gcc and egcs objc compilers doesn't translate the gstep-*
packages. However newer snapshot versions of egcs doesn't have the bug 
anymore. Is the following proposal a solution for the problem?

- from the egcs package, a new package gobjc, which contains only the
  (not working) ObjC compiler, is built. The gobjc package installs a
  new driver gobjc in /usr/bin (which is a link to gcc).
- the gobjc package provides a virtual package objc-compiler

- from a newer egcs snapshot, a gobjc package with a working objc
  compiler is built (the gstep-base package depends on this compiler).
  This package provides it's own gobjc driver. This package goes to
  the hamm release.

It seems to be ugly to have a new driver name for the ObjC
compiler. Another alternative would be not to install a driver at all, 
but to call the appropriate compiler with 'gcc -V <working-objc-version>'

Currently I have uploaded a new non-maintainer release, which simply
splits off the objc files from the g++ package and provides a gobjc


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