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Re: dictd and wordnet

On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Bob Hilliard wrote:

> > Would you think that /usr/lib/dict is an appropriate directory for
> > the Wordnet database (the filenames didn't conflict!).
>      The old WordNet packages used usr/lib/wordnet/dict/.  I believe
> either /usr/lib/dict/ or /usr/lib/dict/wordnet/ (since wordnet installs
> about 25 files, it could justify its own subdirectory) would be
> appropriate.  As far as I can see, all three of these choices would
> conform to the FSSTND.  When we move to the FHS, I believe they would
> go into /usr/share.

Actually, /usr/share/dict.  Shouldn't new package be constructed from
the start to use FHS?

What format are these files in?  Are they ASCII?  The reason I ask is
that I'm the maintainer of the cracklib package that uses lists of
words to prevent the selection of easily guessed passwords.  If the
wordnet database is in a suitable format, it may make an excellect
source or words for cracklib.

Jean Pierre

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