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Who has the dpkg source tree ?

It will not have escaped the attention of the Project that dpkg hasn't
been very well maintained of late.

Klee seems to have dropped out of sight; I presume he's too busy doing
paid work or something.  I'm currently very busy with the leadership
role and a couple of other free software programs (userv, about which
I'll be giving a paper at the Linux Kongress, and sauce - `software
against unsolicited commercial email', an as yet unreleased SMTP-receiver with some
totally fascist checking).

I think we need someone to coordinate getting releases out, making
minor fixes (like the debian-changelog-mode.el thing), etc.

The third member of dpkg-maint@chiark is Michael Alan Dorman.  I
haven't seen much from him recently (most recent message from him on
debian-devel on the 30th of March).  Michael, are you there ?  Are you
planning to put out a new dpkg release any time soon ?

If Michael is not available I'd like volunteers to manage the dpkg
source tree.

Whoever does this job I'd like them to fix minor and packaging bugs as
maintainer (rather than non-maintainer) releases.  They'll be
authorised to close bug reports they have included fixes for or which
are obviously bogus.  They should accept simple patches to correct
uncontroversial bugs from anyone, but anything else should be vetted
by me or Klee, and only Klee or I should close nontrivial `mistaken'
bug reports.

When this is done and I have a libc6 development environment (which I
don't atm) I want to get back into doing development - and
particularly, bugfixing.


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