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Re: NPR piece on Linux

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> OK, it has played here in the East. Those of you out west still have
> some time to find a radio ;-) I think it is the second piece on "All
> Things Considered" after the news.
> This was a very good presentation for a public forumn. They pointed to all
> the right facts; talked about Linux clusters outperforming supercomputers,
> along with the fact that nothing M$ produces come close to the perfomance.
> They let Linus have a lot of personal air time, and he said all the right
> things (of course). Even Richard S. got a spoken line or two. I was
> impressed by the factual quality of the presentation.

Check tomorrow at
to see if they have that segment available in RealAudio.  They only
have that site updated to the April 7 (Tuesday) edition of All Things
Considered as of a few minutes ago.

This may even induce me to install the RealAudio player!  Then I'm
sure never to get any work done :-)

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