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Intent to packge Login.app

Form the Readme file

--- cut ---

Login.app will give you a nice looking login interface to 
Linux/Unix. It is running under X. This is NOT a hack of xdm. 
It is developed, and so far only tested, under Linux.

--- cut ---

It installs in inittab and puts a graphical login prompt that proceeds to
execute /etc/X11/Xsession. When the user logs off, the login screen
appears again. It's pretty basic stuff, it doesn't replace xdm. It won't
do any fancy stuff like starting apps or provide configuration options
regarding how it looks.

If anybody here wants to *draw* a login prompt, please contact me. The one
that comes with the application says "GNU/Linux" and has the GNUstep logo
on the left side. Maybe someone wants to replace it with the Debian


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