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Second call for Proposal


since I'm maintaining the non-US site nonus.debian.org I encounter a 
problem regarding the Packages file, esp. the Filename: header inside
this file and regarding the prospective location on a real non-us ftp
server.  (With a real non-us ftp server I mean a full debian mirror
outside the US that IMHO should contain the complete debian stuff,
_including_ non-US.)

Currently it seems as if there's no common opinion about the contents of
the Filename: header and about the place the non-US stuff should go to.

. for the current stable release
    debian/non-US/*     [ empty/non-existant on US servers ]
                       /non-free/ -> debian/non-free/
                       /contrib/  -> debian/contrib/
                       /non-US/   -> debian/non-US/
    debian/stable/ -> debian/bo/

    having in the Packages file:
    Filename: stable/binary-i386/x11/9fonts_1-4.deb
    Filename: contrib/binary/abuse_1.10-8.deb

. and the upcoming stable

               /main/ -> hamm/
               /non-US/* [ empty/non-existant on US servers ]

    having in the Packages file:
    Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/text/2utf_1.01.deb

Now my questions:

    . Any objections to move the non-US stuff into the
      official tree on one of the servers outside the US?
      (I'd prefer ftp.de.debian.org, since currently it's the
      same server as nonus.debian.org).  -> as resulting task
      all mirrors in and outside the US should change their mirror

    . According to the change above I'd change the Filename: header
      to the same as in the other Packages files.

Any input please.

email : heiko@lotte.sax.de heiko@debian.org heiko@sax.de
pgp   : A1 7D F6 7B 69 73 48 35  E1 DE 21 A7 A8 9A 77 92 
finger: heiko@sax.sax.de         heiko@master.debian.org

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