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Re: bashims in debian/rules

> The cross compilation issue is very important for Debian. This way
> we can perform compilation for all our platforms on a single
> machine. Perhaps we can set up such a machine to compile all our
> source package after uploading. This way we can ensure that each
> package is available for every platform immediately.

I think you misunderstood "cross compilation" in the original mail. It
meant compiling Debian packages on a non-Debian system, where sh isn't

But you're talking about cross compilation, where the cross means
between different architectures... Ok, the idea is nice, but there are
not too few problems with cross compilation (badly prepared makefiles,
configure), so that automatic cross compilation doesn't seem
desirable. It's ok IMHO as long as the resulting packages have been
tested. In fact, I cross-compile most of my packages for m68k, too,
but I had to adapt some orig sources so that it works.


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