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Re: /dev/ttyS? dialin/dialout and modes.

> Nonetheless I'm almost convinced the tty devices need not be owned by uucp.

in which situations will uucico break, if uucico is not sgid dialout and
uucp is in group dialout ?
all cron jobs will be fine, and uucico will only spawn, if caller is in
group dialout (i'm not sure on this) ?

so, in which situations will uucico not work, and is this a bad thing ?

(i understand know, that uucico will break in some situations, if it is
not sgid dialout, tty* belong to root, and uucp is in group dialout.
but : will it be a bad thing, that it breaks in some cases ?
i'm not sure, but every cron job will work ok, and if someone starts
uucico, it will only be able to dial out, if the caller is in group
dialout (sine calling uucico doesn't do initgroup, the groups of the
caller are still active ?). in that case, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

regards, andreas

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