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Re: debian-publicity@lists.debian.org

bruce@pixar.com (Bruce Perens) writes:

> For now any old logo will do. For the future, I'd like to see a logo
> for "Debian GNU/Linux: The Universal Operating System". Perhaps something
> with a spiral galaxy, or a spiral galaxy popping out of the face of a CRT.
Uh, I think I couldn't have come up with something I liked less.
I have the following problems:
  - I think it's too complex for a logo
  - I can't see the connection to debian. Well, we could take it for
    'Debian in Space', but that's not all Debian is.
  - 'Debian GNU/Linux: The Universal Operating System' is far too much
    text for a logo. It should be a simple Logo.


Helmut Geyer                                Helmut.Geyer@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
public PGP key available :           finger geyer@saturn.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

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