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Re: Can we upload binaries using libc6 to hamm yet?

On Apr 22, Erik B. Andersen wrote
> > > Can you make some recommendations about the naems, so we can stay
> > > mostly consistent? (libgdbm and libdb, for example, are long-term
> > > unchanging -- should the libname or soname change as well?
> > 
> > I was thinking of simply adding a 'g' to the package names.  For
> > example, the libc6 version of 'libgpm1' would be 'libgpm1g'.  
> Names have a tendancy of sticking.  Wouldn't simply
> using dependancies work here?

No.  The same package name can't be re-used because other packages
already depend on that package to provide libc5-based libraries.

David Engel                        ODS Networks
david@sw.ods.com                   1001 E. Arapaho Road
(972) 234-6400                     Richardson, TX  75081

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