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Intent to package R (the GNU version of S)

S is a language and system for statistical data analysis and graphics
developed at Bell Labs.  A commercial version called S-PLUS is
marketed by MathSoft, Inc.  Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at U. of
Auckland developed R, a GPL'd system they describe as "not unlike S".
It has been endorsed by Richard Stallman as "official GNU software".
Development is now the responsibility of an international team.

I intend to package the base R language as a Debian package r-base.
I will also package the contributed libraries for R as r-contrib.  The 
upstream sources for R-0.60.1 were released a few days ago from
Since I understand a bug-fix version R-0.60.2 is imminent, that will
probably be the first package that shows up for Debian.
Douglas Bates                            bates@stat.wisc.edu
Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison        http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/

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