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Re: source package diffs

> > oh, the unchanged source for everything is available at every debian
> > mirror, and our patches as diff.gz too.
> Briefly, would it be silly to try and seperate the diffs which deal with
> the debian subdirectory from those which actually have to do with the
> code?  This would make it easier to look at what's actually being done to
> the code.  Or is this a lot of work for relatively little gain?  

i think, it will be a 3 line awk script to drop debian/ from the
changes. but that doesn't help : e.g. apache identifies himself as
"apache debian gnu/linux" (or so). the changes in the package itself are
also often debian related (e.g. changed directorie structure).

it's much work to seperate the things in the diffs. that's why at least
i don't do it after every minimal typo bugfix.


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