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Re: New packages for DEBIAN: VRML viewer

On Thu, 13 Nov 1997, Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pe~na wrote:

> 	I'm willing to maintain both vrweb (a VRML viewer/browser
> developed using C++) and vrwave (the same but developed under Java)
> 	I haven't developed any of those just made the packages with the
> consent of the authors (which distribute them under GNU policy).
> 	Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a

	As asked for I attach my public-key signed by a known maintainer
	(Juan Cespedes). BTW I've also sent my pgp key to pgp.net, but,
	have been suggested by Juan to change my key-size from 768 bytes
	to 1024 bytes. Please note that my pgp key is different from 
	previous messages.


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