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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

From: "Susan G. Kleinmann" <sgk@kleinmann.com>
> However, the statements above make me uncomfortable, because they
> don't seem to admit the possibility that some other person or
> group of persons may someday find a better way to define standards 
> or free software (e.g., implementation methods which better suit 
> changing technological or political circumstances), and that the Debian 
> project might then have some catching up to do in order to reach a 
> higher ground identified by someone else.

I'd be open to a higher ground. However, what we've been hearing
is an invitation to give up our principles because:

1. We don't have a right to say what is free software and what's not
   because other people might not agree.

2. We would be more popular if we stopped insisting on our idea of free

Obviously, this is all a load of hooey.

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