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Re: Missing pieces of developer docs?

On Nov 13, Steve Greenland <stevegr@NeoSoft.COM> wrote:
> I seem to remember that there used to be a section of the
> (developers|policy|programmers|something) manual that described the
> debian/rules file: 

And that info is in the packaging manual, but for some reason I didn't
see it until after I sent this message. For some reason my eyesight and
reading comprehension improve dramatically immediately after I post
something stupid.

> On a related note (i.e. the reason I was looking for the above info):
> Is the Debianized source supposed to be shipped pre-configure or
> post-configure? 

Ditto. BTW, the answer is "post-interactive-configure",
"pre-non-interactive-configure", which implies post ./configure for
standard GNU type configure scripts.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

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