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Re: non-DFSG section and CD distributers

>>"Adrian" == Adrian Bridgett <adrian.bridgett@zetnet.co.uk> writes:

Adrian> In the process I came to the conclusion that "non-free" is a
Adrian> misleading term maybe it should be renamed "non-dfsg". A fair
Adrian> number of packages in there are free, just not as "free" as we
Adrian> would like them to be. I'll probably get flamed by lots of GPL
Adrian> people, but I don't have a problem with someone who wants to
Adrian> protect their hard work.
	How is it misleading? As far as Debian is concerned, non-dfsg
 and non-free are synonyms. As we define it, packages that fail the
 DFSG are not free.

	By the way, I am not a GPL person. One may belittle by
 disparaging labels, but remember, you _are_ running an OS crafted and
 given to you free by a host of GPL people.

	GPL persons. Faugh.

 "I can give you a sentence with the word punctilious.  There's a
 farmer with two daughters, Lizzie and Tillie.  Lizzie is all right,
 but you have no idea how punctilious." Another member of the
 Algonquin Round Table
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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