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Re: Anybody packaging Reiserfs ?

On Oct 28, Arto Astala wrote
> Is anybody interested in packagin reiserfs for Debian?
> More info at:
> http://idiom.com/~beverly/reiserfs.html
> Hans Reiser likes the idea and reiserfs is GPL.
> If nobody else des it then I will, but I consider this 
> to be last resort since I have not done any Debian 
> package before. If nobody does it can somebody at least
> stand by my shoulder when I ask tons of stupid questions?

Maybe it will become the successor to ext2, it certainly seems very good,
and they say that it will get much better when they do more

I see that it is currently being updated to the newer kernels (2.1.57?) -
it might be a good idea to release it only for the 2.1 kernels (IIRC the
2.1 kernel required the filesystem code to be updated and so newer (more
stable) versions of reiserfs wouldn't work on 2.0 anyway).

Do the 2.1 kernels work okay on Debian (unstable) - the 2.0 kernels have
modifications to the /usr/src/linux tree from the original tar.gz IIRC,
what changes need/should be made to the 2.1 tree?



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