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Re: qmail-src (was RFC: New source packaging format)

> > Please make the lock tipe a compile time configurable option, I don't run
> > NFS so I don't want slow dotlocking.
> 	It's not that easy.  Every program in a Debian GNU/Linux
> distribution uses (or should use) dotlocking, so mail should use that
> if you don't want data loss, even if you don't do NFS.

There is no need to include the dot-locking functionality in qmail.  procmail 
or deliver can be used for local delivery (just as is the case with sendmail), 
and then there is no need to include it in qmail.

I won't be patching qmail to do dot-locking, since I'm pretty certain that 
would ensure Dan's disapproval of the binary package.  Instead I'll make the 
default configuration files use procmail for local delivery, and leave 
individual sysadmins the option of using qmail's other methods (i.e. Maildir/) 
if they prefer.

Cheers, Phil.

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