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Re: qmail-src (was RFC: New source packaging format)

On Oct 27, Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> wrote:

 >> Please apply the DENYMAIL patch,
 >Initially, I won't be doing that, since I think that Dan is much more likely 
 >to approve an un-tweaked binary package.
He will never approve a binary package anyway because we use dot locking.

 >I will do the denymail patch as either an option in the postinstall, or as a 
 >package qmail-src-denymail that depends on qmail-src.
I think you should put most important patches and then ask the admin about
what should be compiled in. You should also provide a way to installa the
binaries on the local machine without generating the .deb package.

 >> and /var/qmail/{alias,control,users} as /etc/qmail/...
 >The way it's set up at present /var/qmail/control is renamed to /etc/qmail, 
 >and /var/qmail/{alias,users} are left where they are.
The way it's set up at present is wrong, alias and users contains both
configuration files.

 >What about alias? This is a non-login user's home directory, so where should 
 >it go ?
This is a directory full of configuration files!

 >Whatever happens, I'll create symbolic links in /var/qmail to make it look 
 >like a normal qmail setup, so as not to confuse existing qmail users.
This is good.


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