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Re: Let's be friends. (Non-maintainer uploads made easier)

leutloff@sundancer.oche.de (Christian Leutloff)  wrote on 25.10.97 in <[🔎] 87u3e6p4cd.fsf@abraxas.burg.oche.de>:

> kaih@khms.westfalen.de (Kai Henningsen) writes:

> > Just what, exactly, will be different under the proposed scheme?
> > (You say that the current scheme is equivalent to Friends: nobody. Seems
> > to me that it rather is equivalent to Friends: debian-keyring instead.)
> yes, officially your right, but we don't want to do something that the
> main maintainer don't want. So we aren't do anything and still wait

And the proposed scheme keeps that restriction. At least I believe that's  
what the proposal said.

> for the maintainer. In the scheme today there is only one person
> *responsible* for each package. That should change, especially for
> vital packages.

Maybe, but the proposal doesn't seem to address that. Friends don't get  
bugreports, and they don't have any rights wrt the package that normal  
developers don't have right now.

I guess I just don't see the improvement.

MfG Kai

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