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New Packages: emacspeak-bs, emacspeak-ac, emacspeak-ap...

Richard Braakman wrote:
>Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
>> *Before* you do work on a package, you should announce as a
>> 'statement of intent to start work on a package' to avoid
>> duplication before it happends...
>I must say that I feel uncomfortable with this policy...
>If I announce my "intent to start work on a package", that implies a
>commitment to actually do so.  I am not ready to make that commitment
>until after I am sure that I can actually handle the package.  I won't
>know that until I am done packaging it.

I am uncomfortable with this policy too.  In my case, I am packaging
mostly software I have written myself (access software for various
speech synthesizers).  The likelihood of duplication of effort is
pretty low.

Nevertheless, to satisfy the letter of the policy, I hereby announce
my intent to (write and) release the following packages:

  emacspeak-bs    Emacspeak driver for the Braille 'n Speak synthesizer
  emacspeak-ap    Emacspeak driver for the Dolphin Apollo synthesizer
  emacspeak-ac    Emacspeak driver for the Accent synthesizer
  emacspeak-xx    Emacspeak driver for whatever other synthesizer I can
  		  get documentation for
                                 - Jim Van Zandt

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