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Re: Let's be friends. (Non-maintainer uploads made easier)

On 24 Oct, ig25@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de wrote:
>>Speaking *only* for myself, I wouldn't mind if someone did non-maintainer
>>uploads when I don't reply to email-questions about upgrades (i.e., I'm
>>on holiday, seriously ill, or whatever). I have a very strong feeling most
>>developers actually feel that way.

Same for me.

>>So, "Let's be friends!"

Fine idea! I am for it.

************************    ____************************************
* Federico Di Gregorio  |  /      *-=$< ;-) TeX Wizard?            *
* Debian developer!     | / -1    pgp: finger fog@perosa.alpcom.it *
* <friend of penguins>  |/        try http://www.debian.org        *
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