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What is "open development" ?

       The first stage of initiation into the word of Debian should 
  include an introduction to the correct use of terms; for misunderstandings
  incite a great deal of problems, in many forms and in many places. 
  What is "Debian", and what is "open development" ?

  The first part of the question, unfortunately, is not answered in the
  Debian manifesto, which is the document I consulted when Dave's
  first expressed dissatisfaction with the project in debian-user.
  It appears that "debian" is intensionally left undefined, and as such,
  many interpretations are allowed. As for "open development", two meanings
  are commonly used in our posts, and are used, first, in the sense that
  everything pertaining to development (and development only) should be
  publicly accessible to everyone, and the other meaning is in the sense of
  open membership. 

    Well then, until these terms are clarified, there can be little
  doubt that many posts will challenge Debian policies with many and
  disparate proposals.

Ioannis Tambouras 
ioannis@flinet.com, West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

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