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Re: libtool and it's use of -rpath

Andreas Jellinghaus <aj@dungeon.inka.de> writes:
> > I suggest we modify libtool for Debian to not use -rpath.  Comments?
> this is not related to the problem. like with autoconf, the makefiles
> and scripts are generated on the upstream developers machine, and don't
> need or use the libtool or autoconf/make at the build machine. 

A `libtoolize --force' will overwrite the distributed ltmain.sh and
libtool with links to the libtool that's installed on the packager's
m/c... But that will cause problems due to version skew &c.
> we need to change the upstream source :
>  - manual / small patch
>  - rerun libtool (e.g. kde use a modified libtool/automake)
>  - some nice program running over all binaries and shared libs, that
>    will remove -rpaths (should be easy to write with libelf)).

I guess a better solution would be for David Engel (as the maintainer of
Linux ld.so) to write to Gord Matzigkeit to ask him to modify the
behaviour of libtool on Linux.  

There are caveats however: `ld.so.conf' works for the SysAdm or for
Debian, but will not work for people who install a local copy of a
pgm. into their home directories.  They will either need -rpath or to
setup their LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

- Hari
Raja R Harinath ------------------------------ harinath@cs.umn.edu
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