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qmail-src (was RFC: New source packaging format)

> PLEASE, somebody download my demo and really try it out!

This source in .deb's idea is excellent, for at least one package.

Unless people have objections, I'll package up qmail as qmail-src, to unpack 
into /usr/src/qmail-src-<version> or somesuch.

I've had no luck getting a response out of Dan Bernstein on the subject of
how to actually get his approval for distributing my binaries, so a self
building source package looks like a reasonable second choice --- It certainly 
gets rid of the problem of approval for future versions.

Presumably I can do this by having the following packages:

 qmail-src:    contains the source

 qmail-build:  a pseudo package that depends on qmail-src, and 
               builds qmail.deb in its postinst.

Should qmail-build try to install the qmail_*.deb it creates ?
Should I have the binary package replacing the build pseudo package ?

It might be nice to have qmail-build tidy up after itself and remove the 
source after installation --- any ideas ?

Cheers, Phil.

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