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Re: unofficial package repository and the bugs system

bruce@pixar.com (Bruce Perens) writes:
> Another question: are we obligated to protect the name-space for third-party
> packages? For example, someone makes the non-debian package "foobar" available,
> and a Debian maintainer then decides to issue a "foobar" package (assume it's
> the same software, that will usually be the case). Is the Debian maintainer
> obligated to change the name?

Of course not.  But I hope that the Debian developers can at least be a bit
cooperative with 3rd party .deb packages.

These are exactly the same issues we will need to deal with when somebody
chooses to use Debian and dpkg as a base for a value-added commercial
distribution.  Since that has already been stated as one of the goals
of the Debian project to act as a base for those sort of things -- we
are sort of obligated to figure out ways to be more cooperative with
outside projects.  The "unofficial repository", and the Debian-JP project 
are just two "challenges" to the centralized nature of Debian.  I am
sure there will be others -- are you still planning "Linux for Hams?"


 - Jim

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