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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

Ok, so...

It seems we are coming to some sort of consensus...(haha well... we can 
dream can't we?)

1.  There is a need for updated libc5 packages.

2.  It would probably be better if they were 'official', and therefore we
should provide space for them on official ftp sites.

3.  Libc6 should still be the priority - developers who can provide
packages for libc5 are welcome to do so after they have taken care of
libc6 commitments.

I think several things still not to be finalized:

1.  Which packages are candidates?  I would prefer to leave 'central'
packages alone, and upgrade more 'application' types of things.  Apache,
msql, postgresql, and the gimp come to mind.

2.  Should it be a full distribution?  I would like to be able to access
it with dselect, but I can understand that it might not be up for too long
(let us hope!), and that that might be a pain for people hosting ftp

Ok.. have I missed anything?

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                

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