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Re: Architecture all

Raul Miller wrote:
> As for quake-lib, it contains a variety of pictures and sounds.
> The archive format is a little odd, but I believe it's documented,
> and I believe there's other programs that can work with it
> (besides quake).  Not, in particular, that this is very different
> from architecturally specific boot mechanisms.

Hm, good point. It would probably be possible to install quake-lib and use
a quake level editor on m68k.

Something I've been refraining from pointing out in this discussion is that
it really should be possible to install quake-lib on a m68k without forcing
it, because quake-lib only reccommends quake. (quake depends on quake-lib.)

I didn't want to bring that up becuase I was interested in the theoretical
situation where an arch all package depended on an arch i386 package. I
still think we should get a resolution on that, even though I think
quake-lib should stay arch: all for the reasons I outlined above.

see shy jo

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