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bug or not??? pppd


 quick one. I have succesfully gotten pppd to work on a 'server', to
receive incoming calls. I have mgetty 1.1.2-1 and pppd 2.2.0f-23 installed
and running happily.. sorta.

 After reading all the FAQs, HOWTOs... etc, there are two ways to get pppd
working... (possibly more, but these two I am interested in).

Methods are:
1. With mgetty running on /dev/modem0, it picks up the call after 1 ring,
and gives the ol' login prompt. At this point, I type username + password.
Typical login. At the prompt, I then type
    exec /usr/sbin/pppd -detach

and everything works like a charm. I can telnet,ftp,http my happy self to
the internet. in the logs I see

Oct 22 08:41:32 bcservice1 pppd[1108]: pppd 2.2.0 started by emacha, uid
Oct 22 08:41:32 bcservice1 pppd[1108]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 22 08:41:32 bcservice1 pppd[1108]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
Oct 22 08:41:35 bcservice1 pppd[1108]: local  IP address 128.123.xx.xx
Oct 22 08:41:35 bcservice1 pppd[1108]: remote IP address 128.123.xx.xx
Oct 22 08:41:35 bcservice1 pppd[1108]: found interface eth0 for proxy arp

2. With mgetty running on /dev/modem0, it picks up after 1 ring. At the
login prompt, I type AutoPPP. This executes
      /usr/sbin/pppd -chap +pap auth login kdebug 2 -detach

at this point, my client (in this case an NT workstation) starts
negotiating. After 2-3 secs, it hangs up. Looked throught ppp.log (in
/var/adm), and see the following

Oct 22 01:29:11 bcservice1 pppd[509]: pppd 2.2.0 started by a_ppp, uid 0
Oct 22 01:29:11 bcservice1 pppd[509]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 22 01:29:11 bcservice1 pppd[509]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
Oct 22 01:29:14 bcservice1 pppd[509]: PAP authentication failure for
Oct 22 01:29:14 bcservice1 pppd[509]: Connection terminated.
Oct 22 01:29:14 bcservice1 pppd[509]: Exit.

This is the troubling part. I have pap-secrets accept anyone at this
point, which means it will check with /etc/passwd.. or rather should.

My question, is this version of pppd shadow aware?? What else should I be
looking for?? Any other ideas?? I know I can modify the pap-secrets file
to include username and password combination.... should I??

anyhow, appreciate the help...

[btw, sending this to debian-devel... unsure if bug or not... ]


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