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Re: unofficial package repository and the bugs system

On Wed, 22 Oct 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> If/when the unofficial package repository Jim Pick spoke of is established,
> what will happen in regard to the bugs system for these packages?
> People will be able to "bug <package>" for packages which aren't
> in any of the official or officially-maintained distributions
> (ie main, non-free, contrib); but since the packages aren't
> officially presumably the bugs system would not know who the maintainers
> are (and should not?). Where will the bug reports go?

Good point.  Can we have the views of members of the Debian Board on this

Much as I respect Jim I see this as an "Adam and the apple" situation
- tempting but leading to who knows what problems.  We lose the bug
system and the rigor and discipline of Debian and these are the very
things that have lead to our success.

How about a policy on dealing with maintainers who don't?  Bugs being
reported but not fixed. This has been an area where Debian falls well

Just MHO

Lindsay Allen   <allen@cleo.murdoch.edu.au>  Perth, Western Australia
voice +61 8 9316 2486    32.0125S 115.8445E    vk6lj

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