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Re: What about a user-contrib directory?

On Tue, Oct 21, 1997 at 05:35:56AM +0200, Paul Seelig wrote:
> > What's wrong with following "unstable" if you want to be at the bleeding
> > edge?
> >
> This is definitely too much bleeding edge if one simply wants a
> functioning system with more recent software.  Following unstable
> means at least migration to libc6 and therefore probably lots of

In all fairness though, the hamm upgrade is a little different
to buzz -> rex, rex -> bo for example. It was quite practical to run
unstable rex packages on buzz and bo packages on rex for example.
Is it necessary to establish a policy for handling this when it
should not occur that often?

Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust              hamish@debian.org, hmoffatt@mail.com
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://hamish.home.ml.org/ (PGP key here)             CPOM: [*****     ] 56%
The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.  --Bohr

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