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Re: Lessons (KDE & GNOME & Linux)

On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> The support behind KDE is already that big that I do think the lesson to
> be learned might be kind of different and to be learned by different
> people. But lets see. I'd rather have all the linux developers focus
> one ONE project that can bring a GUI about better than 95 rather than
> having an endless squabble about licenses and other points of ideology.

I understand your opinion, but I disagree. _(;

> Linus said that Linux success is due to the pragmatic approach taken to
> UNIX software development and due to his insistence of not being bogged
> down by insisting on "principles" or other central doctrines. This is

Back in '92, Linux (was it v0.12 at that time?) was only an unfinished and
partially working "prototype" of a Unix system. It improved a lot due to
the competition with Minix, FreeBSD, etc... Now Linux outperforms its
competitors, but competitors played an important role.

The same way, I think it's important for Debian that the RedHat
distribution exists because it creates a sane emulation of each (debian &
RH's) team of developpers. Also users have at least 2 things to choose
from (monopolies of any kinds are _bad_).
So, I think it's a good thing we have both Kde & Gnome around: each team
can "steal" ideas from the other and there's no "monopoly".

> where I see a great danger of the Debian Project. The independant .deb
> repository is a good way to have an outlet for creativity going beyond the
> legalistic system Debian is generating.

Agreed for the reasons given above: (Linux&FreeBSD(ok, Linux&WindowsNT by
now;), Debian&RedHat, KDE&GNOME, "Official Debian"&"Unofficial Debian"[1],


[1]: I doubt there will be enough packages any time soon in the
"unofficial Debian" to produce a full distribution, but you get the

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