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On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> I do not want to see another GPL-ed effort based on Qt, if I can help it.

FYI I have been keeping my eye on developments with widget sets,
especially free things and you will be happy to know that GTK somehow
managed to be at the right place at the right time.

There is a fairly significant number of GTK projects that have started
quite recently and a fair amount of usefull information about GTK is
being produced (Docs! Wow!)

If you ask me GTK appeared right when there was a large void in the widget
choices and the gimp people managed to market it correctly and widely. I
have looked it over and I really didn't notice anything particularly
special about it other than it's license. If it weren't for Qt's
license I think GTK wouldn't have sparked the kind of development we are

Kind of a victory for free software if you ask me. Though I can't help but
feel sorry for groups like KDE that might get mowed down simply because
they went with QT.

Also, please note that I know of a number of other free widget sets under
development, at least one C++ one which is some-kind of X-Forms clone
(GPL). I think wxt is GPL too, but I'm not positive.

Depending on who joins up with Deity we might even be in a position to
release a widget set in ~12 months, alot is happening in this area!
5 months ago there was very little and then <bang> widgets everwere :>


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