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Re: What about a user-contrib directory?

>>>>> "DW" == David Welton <davidw@cks.com> writes:

    :: No problem, any user competent enough to build a package and upload it
    :: to the proposed "user-contributed" section can become a Debian developer
    :: instead.

    DW: Yes, but will they?
If they are responsible enough, they will.  If not, they won't and I think it's
good.  IMHO becoming an official Debian maintainer is less work than to create
the first Debian package, so I don't see any big problem with it.

RedHat is one big contrib (many important packages are only in contrib).
Debian is one big contrib as a whole, but with much more higher quality (IMHO).
I am afraid, that if we allow "official" contrib approach, it will lower Debian
quality, because there will be only low pressure for moving packages from
contrib to official Debian (why to package it, it's already in contrib...).
And being official Debian maintainer is for most people something else than
just once to package something, I think.

I'm not afraid of lack of developers really.  AFAIK, number of maintainers is
constantly increasing and there is no reason to worry about it.

So I am against the introduction of RedHat like contrib into Debian.  It is
necessity for RedHat with closed development, but not for Debian which is
absolutely open.

Milan Zamazal

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