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Re: gated diffs?

I would recommend getting the latest gated rpm from Redhat and install it
using alien. As far as I can remember there are only some minor issues to
deal with. You might run into some problems with newer software though.
The latest I remember is the gated on redhat.com being a little bit

If you have the energy for it you might want to approach the gated
maintainers and ask about how we could be official distributors for it.
Having gated in our distribution would be very important.

On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

cas >e.g. One host is a dial-in server which has to dynamically update
cas >routing tables whenever a gw logs in or disconnects.  I am running gated
cas >on this machine and it does exactly what i need. routed simply can't do
cas >it, without a lot of "route {add,del}" commands in /etc/ppp/ip-{up,down}
cas >scripts.  With gated I maintain just ONE 'gw.config' file and use a
cas >Makefile with rules which generate gated.conf, slip.hosts, rc.firewall,
cas >and other necessary config files.
cas >
cas >Another is a network consisting of two separate coax ethernet segments,
cas >each segment has it's own separate connection to the internet via
cas >different service providers.  I want each of them to be able to use the
cas >other's net connection as a backup if their own goes down temporarily.
cas >routed can almost (but not quite) do this.  gated can easily.
cas >
cas >So yes, i DO need gated for these and other systems and I know why I
cas >need it :-).

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