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Organization of rex-fixed

Moin folks,

I tried to install rex-fixed but failed.  After I investigated the
situation I found out what went wrong.

rex-fixed only consists of links, referring to files either in

a) ../../../rex/binary-i386/base/*.deb

or in

b) ../../../Debian-1.2-updates/binary-i386/*.deb

Why isn't it "rex" and "rex-updated" XOR "Debian-1.2" and
"Debian-1.2-updates"?  The actual situation is somewhat strange....



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 / =?iso-8859-1?q?kristian_k=f6hntopp@cyberbox.north.de          /
/        verursacht durch kaputte Gatesoftware auf der CyberBox /

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