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Re: Request official mandate for -D_REENTRANT

David Engel <david@sw.ods.com> writes:

> This has been asked before and I'm still undecided on the issue.
> Although the slow down is small, there is a slow down.  It's similar
> to the way shared libraries compiled with -fpic are slower than static
> libraries compiled without -fpic.  If I had to make a decision today,
> I'd choose to not make it standard so users who didn't want or need it
> wouldn't have it forced on them.

Well, I don't care strongly either way, but as long as the user can
undefine _REENTRANT when they want, it shouldn't be a big deal no
matter what we decide.

I do lean a little toward defining _REENTRANT in the compiler and
documenting how and why to override it in /usr/doc/gcc/README.debian.

That's because the failure case when not defining it in the compiler
is that we end up with libraries which fail in unpredictable ways with
threaded apps when someone forgets to add _REENTRANT to their build.
If we do add the flag to the compiler, the worst that would happen is
that programs which could be compiled without it aren't, and end up
just a tiny bit slower.


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