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Re: Selection-time configuration, delayed configuration, &c

>This is required for "push" network installs and batch workgroup
>installs of multiple systems. To support these in general, it's
>necessary to configure as much as possible in one session, move the
>configuration to a workstation as a piece, and then perform the install
>in non-interactive mode, changing only the workstation-individual
>parameters such as host name and IP address. The way we install the system
>now just is not practical if you are installing 30 systems all the same.

I, too, heartily agree with this.  Right now, every time I update more
than about two dozen packages I have two realistic choices:

1. Answer the *same* questions the *same* way for each of almost 20


2. Copy the hard drive with 'dd', boot in emergency mode, and make
machine specific changes. (possible in my setup since the machines all
have identical hard drives).  

Currently I usually do 2., since it's faster (~15 minutes if I don't
have a 'pre-cloned' drive ready, about 5 minutes otherwise), has less
down-time, ensures better uniformity, and takes little effort on my

We can do better than this.

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin
bofh@bofh.me.umn.edu			University of MN, ME Dept

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