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Re: question about package building

On Jan 23, sgk@kleinmann.com (Susan G. Kleinmann) wrote:
> 1.  When I run deb-make, it creates a debian/control file with the
> field Architecture set to "any".  I have edited this to reflect the 
> architecture on which I'm building the package.  But I notice that
> only a few of the other debian source packages I've looked at have
> an Architecture field set to anything but "any".  Now, I realize
> that packages which are basically scripts might reasonably be
> set to "any", but I don't understand why so many packages with 
> compiled programs should be set to "any", since I doubt that many
> of them were actually built with cross-compilers.  What's going on here?

"any" means the pack will build and/or is useful on any architecture. This
is true of most packages. When you actually create the package, the
architecture it was build on, i.e. the binary executable(s), the arch
will be embedded in the .deb file name, so that it is put in the right
place in directory hierarchy.

"all" means that the *same* .deb package will run on all the architectures --
true of something that consisted entirely of perl scripts, for example.
Or a documentation package.

There are a few packages that are truly architecture specific -- I'd
guess dosemu, for one. For these, setting the Architecture field to
'i386' tells people to not even bother trying to build it on their

All this should be explained in the either the Programmers or Policy
manuals. If not, submit a bug against them.

> 2.  In the [good, old] days, I used to run 
>    dpkg --print-architecture 
> in order to assure that the architecutre for a package was set correctly.
> Why doesn't deb-make do this too?

No longer necessary

The Mole - I think, therefore I scream 

	"It's a job for YOU, Dangermouse..."
						"Oh, *good* old DM!"
	"...AND Penfold."
						"Oh, ick."

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