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Re: dependency checker for archive needed


	I have some perl modules that look at the Packages file, parse
 it into package objects, etc, written in perl 5.

	The idea is to use this to create associative arrays of
 available packages (/var/lib/dpkg/available), Currently installed
 packages (/var/lib/dpkg/status), new packages (create a packages file
 with dpkg-scanpackages or look at a Packages file n the command

	Then, in the checking dependency phase, for each package in
 the new packages list, we look at the dependencies, and ensure that
 each dependency is satisfied in either the new ist or the installed
 list (I'm having problems with the greater than less than directives,
 at the moment). If the directive is satisfied from the nre list, add
 a line to an output file withthe format
 <package-that-needs-to-be-installed-first> <current-package>
 Iff all dependencies are satisfied, we run tsort on the output file,
 giving us an order to install new packages in.

	Unfortunately, my current implementation is very, umm,
 unstable, and my new job has me travelling a lot (I'm now a
 ``consultant'', and have been to Hong Kong, San Francisco, and Nice
 in thre last 30 days), so my time for debian is available in
 bursts. (I hope to put in a burst now, but I'm scheduled to go to
 Hong Kong again by the end of the month).

	I'll try to polish up what I have and have it available to
 people by the end of the week (I believe Fabien volunteered, right?) 

	I do apologize for signing up to do this and then not
 producing something in a timely fashion.

 Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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