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Re: Problems with 1.2.1


May be all packages must be first send in unstable then, if a maintainer 
think it's package are stable enough ( I really think that's the 
maintainer (tested and everything). He could send a mail asking for 
freezing it and the the package will be ready for the next distribution. 
May be we can add the distribution we which to say it distributed.

The package must stay in the unstable directory but will not be anymore 
overwrite by upgrade. When release time come, a new directory are create.
The freeze list of packages can be linked from unstable. Check for 
dependencies must be made before, warning send to the maintener that's 
their dependencies aren't ready for stable.

Fixed are treat as freezing... If a maintener release a new freeze this 
one will replace the old one.
Another solutions will be to copy them when freezed by the maintener into a
permanent frozen directory who consists of packages currently stable but not
in the current distribution. The debian tree will permanently have 3 
directories: stable - contening the current distribution, frozen - the 
upcoming distribution, and unstable - the in-work packages distribution. 
Packages that goes in frozen must be considered as stable *and* tested. 
This will remove some problems of upgrading when some packages who needs 
to stay in unstable aren't moved in stable cause to a release date.

just another 2 pennies (i'm still doing money!)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
 "Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing."   
                                          -- Roy L Ash
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Fabien Ninoles aka le Veneur        || Running Debian-Linux
Ninf01@gel.usherb.ca                || Lover of MOO, mountains, 
http://www-edu.gel.usherb.ca/ninf01 || poetry and Freedom.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------

Version: 2.6.2


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