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losing developers

David Engel:
> Personally, I think we should (with some exceptions, of course)
> conecntrate on getting what we have right now in order and releasing
> it as 1.1.

That's fine. I have the installation root disk running, and should have
the entire disk set in a few days.

> We seem to be losing developers faster than we can replace
> them.

I don't think you should worry about that. There's a winnowing process
that happens after developers first take on packages - a lot of them
find they can't handle the task, don't have time, aren't that
interested, and so on. I think we get about 1 in 3 "keepers" for each
new developer.

Bruce Perens <Bruce@Pixar.com>
A campaigner for Clinton and against Censorship.

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