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Re: Bug#2378: Gawk postinst script does not work correctly

'Michael Meskes wrote:'
>Chris Fearnley writes:
>> Nope, it's a design decision I made (as package maintainer for mawk and
>> gawk).  gawk is too slow and too big for our base series (IMO), but
>> useful (due to its extensions) for awk hackers (so I recommended that
>> mawk go into the base series and gawk into the devel series).  mawk is
>> fully POSIX complient.  Therefore, IMO mawk should be the default.  I
>> have done some gawk vs. mawk performance tests
>I have no problem with that. But in this case the postinst script should not
>say it updates the links to go to mawk. They were already on mawk, so it
>should say 'leaving the links as they are' or something like that. Isn't it
>possible to include a short note that tells the user (if he reads it that
>is) that it will not install gawk as a default.

The --quite option hasn't been implemented in
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives.  As you can see, my gawk postinst
already uses --quite in anticipation of its future implementation:

$ cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/gawk.postinst
#! /bin/sh

set -e

install-info --quiet --section "General Commands" "General Commands" \
update-alternatives --quiet --install /usr/bin/awk awk /usr/bin/gawk 10 \
  --slave /usr/man/man1/awk.1 awk.1 /usr/man/man1/gawk.1 \
  --slave /usr/bin/nawk nawk /usr/bin/gawk \
  --slave /usr/man/man1/nawk.1 nawk.1 /usr/man/man1/gawk.1

Christopher J. Fearnley            |    UNIX SIG Leader at PACS
cjf@netaxs.com                     |    (Philadelphia Area Computer Society)
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf         |    Design Science Revolutionary
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf    |    Explorer in Universe
"Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller |    Linux Advocate

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